This guide will cover how to use SteamCMD. This tool can be used to download many game’s server content. This is a free tool provided by steam. Download link for windows below. 5
Once you have downloaded the .zip file simply right click and extract as seen in the screenshots below. For our test purposes we will use the C:\steamcmd directory. You can use any directory of your choice.

After clicking Extract All or Extract you will want to choose a good destination for the files to be extracted to. This is where you can copy and paste this directory C:\steamcmd

After typing in C:\steamcmd or the directory of your choice simply click Extract on the bottom right. You will then see steamcmd extracted in the next window that pops up after you click Extract as shown above.
The easiest way to use this is to create batch files in order to download content automatically.
Open a new text document in Notepad and paste the following:
“steamcmd.exe” +login “Anonymous” +force_install_dir “C:\holdfast” +app_update 589290 validate +quit
Click File at the top left and then Save As

Name it holdfast.bat and make sure you select Save as Type -> All Files.

For some games you can use “Anonymous” as the login information - For our example we’ll be using Holdfast: Nations At War which needs a steam account that owns the game.
The number after app_update is the games app id. For Holdfast it is 589290. If you are trying to download another games content you will need that games ID. You can find it on the Wiki or via Google usually.
After clicking save you will now have a holdfast .bat file that you can double click on.

If your game required you to use a steam account instead of Anonymous you will be prompted for the password -when you enter you will not see anything populate. This is normal - After logging in you will see the files begin to download to the C:\holdfast directory that we chose in the .bat file.

After the download completes we can close out of the console window and view the downloaded files in C:|holdfast. 5
Once you have downloaded the .zip file simply right click and extract as seen in the screenshots below. For our test purposes we will use the C:\steamcmd directory. You can use any directory of your choice.

After clicking Extract All or Extract you will want to choose a good destination for the files to be extracted to. This is where you can copy and paste this directory C:\steamcmd

After typing in C:\steamcmd or the directory of your choice simply click Extract on the bottom right. You will then see steamcmd extracted in the next window that pops up after you click Extract as shown above.
The easiest way to use this is to create batch files in order to download content automatically.
Open a new text document in Notepad and paste the following:
“steamcmd.exe” +login “Anonymous” +force_install_dir “C:\holdfast” +app_update 589290 validate +quit
Click File at the top left and then Save As

Name it holdfast.bat and make sure you select Save as Type -> All Files.

For some games you can use “Anonymous” as the login information - For our example we’ll be using Holdfast: Nations At War which needs a steam account that owns the game.
The number after app_update is the games app id. For Holdfast it is 589290. If you are trying to download another games content you will need that games ID. You can find it on the Wiki or via Google usually.
After clicking save you will now have a holdfast .bat file that you can double click on.

If your game required you to use a steam account instead of Anonymous you will be prompted for the password -when you enter you will not see anything populate. This is normal - After logging in you will see the files begin to download to the C:\holdfast directory that we chose in the .bat file.

After the download completes we can close out of the console window and view the downloaded files in C:|holdfast.